Get a collateral-free salary loan at a competitive rate through Kuda!

Refer us to your employer to get access to a Kuda Salary Loan with quick loan application, approval and disbursement.

Get a salary loan at competitive interest rates easily.

Meet urgent money needs through our quick loan process.

Repay your loan in instalments on the Kuda app.

Get a collateral-free salary loan at a competitive interest rate easily.

We’ve set our interest rates carefully to support your financial wellbeing and make repayment convenient.

Refer Your Employer

Meet your urgent needs through our quick loan process.

Our automated loan approval and disbursement process will help you meet your needs in the shortest time possible.

Refer Your Employer

Repay your loan easily on the Kuda app.

With scheduled repayment alerts, loan balance information and more, the Kuda app makes managing your loan and repaying it on time simple.

Refer Your Employer

Salary Loan FAQs

A salary loan is a short-term loan that employees can take based on their annual salary. A salary loan usually has a fixed interest rate, doesn’t require collateral and can be paid back in flexible installments.

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The money app for Africans.

It only takes a few minutes to start enjoying free benefits. Download Kuda on Google Play or the App Store.