Get your CAC registration documents and your Tax Identification Number (TIN) easily through your Kuda Business account.
Register to upgrade your account.
Make your business official.
Get access to more opportunities to grow.
With a registered business, you can upgrade to a full Kuda Business account and increase your daily transaction limit to ₦250 million.
Registering your business with the CAC makes it official and more trustworthy.
Get your CAC documents so you can apply for loans and grants that are exclusive to registered businesses.
Get your CAC registration documents and your Tax Identification Number (TIN) easily through your Kuda Business account.
Registering your business just got easier.
A registered business name is the name or title under which you can run a business legally as an individual. With a registered business name, you can run your business as a Sole Proprietorship (just you) or a Partnership (you and at least one other person).
A registered company is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which is a separate legal entity from yourself. Running your business as an LLC requires having shareholders and a Board of Directors.